Saturday, March 20, 2010

The White darkness pages 34 -52

At this point i am starting to get a little nervous when Victor's character is mentioned. He is starting to become more and more creepy in many different ways.

Now right here in the book Sym finds out that Victor had stolen her mothers passport so that they could have time alone in Paris. Victor also surprises Sym by planning a trip to the Antarctic, which is the place she has dreamed of going for years. Victor then suddenly starts to get rid of all of syms belongings as if she doesn't need them. I found this to be very unsettling because she has no idea what he is doing and she does nothing to stop him. And towards the end of this section she is sort of catching on to his plot to not return from the arctic but she doesn't entirely.

So this book is starting to get very intense and nerve racking with Sym not knowing what Victor is doing and With Victor being very sly with his actions.

The White Darkness pages 17 - 33

So far I have found this book to be very interesting and kind of different then the kind of books I normally read. I tend to read mystery books but this is more of an adventure book. So this book has been different to me as i have been reading.

At this point in the book Sym and Uncle Victor make it To Paris and they start to wander the city. I found this part a bit weird because Victor Wouldn't allow Sym to call her mother and instead suggested eating first. They Then proceeded to their hotel and as Sym feel asleep Victor leaves her alone while he goes out to conduct "business". As he is out and about Sym finds her mothers passport in Victors coat pocket. This I found very interesting because when they were leaving there house to go to Paris Sym's mother suddenly couldn't find her passport. If this had happened to me i would immediately try to get away from Victor since he stole the passport and he must be up to no good being out so late at night.

Now I am starting to not like Victor anymore since he stole Sym's mothers passport. This must mean that victor is planning something that would not have been approved by his mother. So it should be exciting to see what happens next.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

white darkness pg. 1-17

I chose this book because it looked interesting and because it was over 300 pages. I read the inside cover of the book before I began to read and it seemed enticing. Those are the reasons i chose to read the White Darkness.

This book is about a named Symone who has little to no friends and she often confides with Titus Oates (an explorer who died exploring the south pole). At first i was kind of confused when she was talking to Titus Oates, I thought that she was physically talking to somebody but it turned out that she was having conversations with him in her head. I didnt really like the first 10 pages because they were rather bland and uninteresting, she mostly talked about her horrible life and she sidetracked from the main plot of the book by talking about how much she d her teachers. Towards the end of this section She and her Uncle board a train for Paris Without Sym's Mother because she forgot her passport. "Its a common mistake," said Uncle Victor, ing open the newspaper. "Lack of organization. Success comes down to getting organized. Keeping your eye on the ball. Think on sym." I think that this part was Interesting and true because if you become unorganized then you will lose or misplace things of importance.

So far i like the book and find it interesting while being funny. Uncle Victor is my favorite character because he is smart and witty, always knowing the answers to anything. I hope that the rest of the book is as good as its been so far.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Night Quotes


"we no longer had the right to frequent resteraunts or cafes, to travel by rail, to attend synagogue, to be on the streets after six o clockin the evening."

The Germans are starting to have restrictions binding them/ not allowing them (the jews) to do things that they would normaly do in their normal daily routine. This restricted them to being able to do next to nothing.