Monday, February 14, 2011

Oscar nominated rankings



Social Network

1. Good portrayal of real person

2. Well made

3. Entertaining

Toy Story 3

1. Dont like animation very much

2. Too much of the same

3. Good ending

True Grit

1. Hailey Steinfeld's good acting

2. Perfect ending

3. Good dialogue and plot


1. Great special effects

2. Intricate

3. Mol

The Kings Speech

1. great acting

2. camera angles

3. perfect ending

Winters Bone

1. Boring

2. like a detective movie

3. Average acting


1. The Kings Speech - I was very impressed with this movie even though it is obvious Oscar "bait". One of the biggest reasons that i liked this movie was the performances from the actors. Colin Firth did an amazing job with his stammering impersonation, it made me believe that he himself had a stammer and that it wasn't just an act. The movie was truly enhanced with the directors keen eye for camera angle usage. The scene where the king is going to speak to some men before being crowned the director uses a low angle making it seem like the king feels lowly and then it switches to a high angle shot to emphasize his vulnerability. Overall this movie was my favorite of the Oscar nominees i have seen.

2. The Social Network - It was a hard decision between choosing this movie as my favorite or the kings speech. I found this movie to be a close second due to the writing and the casting. The cast was near perfect as Jesse Eisenberg did a superb job as mark zuckerberg while i feel that justin Timberlake wasnt the best choice to play Shaun Parker. The writing was great as Eisenberg always seemed to have snappy comebacks like when he was at the meeting and said " Wait, I am checking your math. I got that too." I really like lines like this as it is subtle comedy that i enjoy. The movie has the best ending of them all as Eisenberg waits to see if his ex friend will accept his friend request, showing his inner feelings about friends

3. Inception - This movie was a true puzzle that was so intricate I had to watch the movie multiple times to fully understand it. There is the concept that a movie should not rely on special effects alone, this movie successfully banks on its special effects with a few strong performances from Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, and Marion Cotillard. DiCaprio, Page, and Cotillard gave great performances in which they truly enveloped the characters they were playing while Joseph Gordon - Levitt was true dud as his character was very uninteresting. The movie did win me over with its amazing special effects along with its wow factor. Ultimately wow was the only thing i could say after this movie, just wow.

4. True Grit - This movie makes good use of the natural surroundings with many long shots to set the scene. This movie was wonderful with good acting coming from Hailee Steinfeld and amazing scenary. However, I felt that the plot was too simple and the Jeff Bridges character of rooster was annoying and winded. The way that he spoke was very hard to understand and kind of got in the way of the plot (in my opinion). Matt Damon does a good job as Mr. Laboeuf as a comic relif but it is kind of hard to believe that he can bee in the right place in the right time, all the time. The movie had great cinematography but lacked a good cast and i felt that it was quite boring during some parts.

5. Toy Story 3 - For the 5 and 6 spot I wasn't quite sure which one to put s the worst or second worst as both were terrible movies in my opinion. Toy Story 3 felt like the same old same old (the toys escaping from someone or something) with a few twists as the movie takes a dark turn (toy hell). I feel the movie series ran out of magic after the second movie and that they defiantly shouldn't have attempted to make a 3rd. It was kind of weird to see Andy's face in this movie as in all the previous movies i never remembered seeing his face. This movie series is burnt out and a 4th movie would be a horrible idea as this one was just the same old same old bland pixar Disney movie.

6. Winters Bone - The one good part of this movie was the performance from Jennifer Lawrence while everything else about it was less then spectacular. I was expecting this movie to be something like the success story that Napoleon Dynamite was. The movie was kind of disgusting as the viewers looked in to the lives of these people living in the middle of nowhere, living in filthy homes. The main turn off of this movie was the theme of as almost every person that Ree encountered was either a dealer or an addict. The cinematography for this movie had a french new wave feel to it as felt more like a documentary, using natural lighting and the use of hand held cameras. The realization that her father is isn't satisfactory as a true ending for a movie, as Ree feels no sense of accomplishment or closure. The ending is very odd and feels like it is quickly cut off due to the end of Ree's "adventure". Overall I thought this movie was uninteresting wiht the lone good performance from Jennifer Lawrence.

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