Tuesday, January 3, 2012

christmas break free write

I was about to walk into the building that my family hated. My dad hated it and so did my mom, but I had convinced them to let me go there to shop for Christmas. We were going to the mall of America for the first time in years. It was kind of crazy outside the mall because there were so many people trying to park but we found our way up the long parking garage ramp slowly and into the garage. We quickly parked and went inside through the Nordstrom’s side. It seemed kind of odd to me because one of the largest entrance into the mall lead you through Nordstrom’s so it was like you were forced to walk through their store if you wanted to get into the mall. My dad was not impressed with the vastness as he stood and said that we were wasting our time and that it was a waste of a day. We told him that he could just walk around or go into the book store but he refused and decided to walk with us instead. We walked up and down the mall past all of the stores looking for something that looked good. My mom tried to get me to go into American Eagle and Abercrombie but I hate that stuff and I really just wanted to get a couple sports tee-shirts and get out of there. She eventually forced me into a random store that I can’t even remember the name for because it was something I completely didn’t recognize. It seemed like a cool enough store and I decided to have a look around. I found a cool looking wind breaker jacket and decided to buy it because I don’t have any jackets. I also saw some cool jeans. I went to go and try them on but when I was about to go into the fitting room I realized that the pants didn’t have a zipper, instead it had buttons. I found that to be really weird. Who has buttons on their pants? I put them back and left the store with the jacket that I bought feeling satisfied. My mom felt differently. She found out where old navy was in the mall and lead me to it saying that I needed to find some jeans and nice sweaters. The next hour was extremely boring. I went into the store and looked at all the jeans. She had me take at least two pair that I liked to try on so I chose two that looked decent enough and we kept walking through the store. We then looked at the sweaters that they had but I guess everyone else had already snapped up the good sweaters and all the bad colored ones were left. It had some really bad contrasts that looked really bad, even to some like me that doesn’t really care about clothing that much. We kept walking and I noticed some cool looking tee shirts but yet again all the good ones had been snapped up. I then saw this really tacky sweatshirt that had headphones infused into the tighten strings. It looked kind of funny so my mom told me to buy it. I then went on to try the pants on with a couple dress shirts but I only wound up buying one pair of jeans and nothing else. That was an hour wasted. Next we met up with my dad and brothers and we walked into urban outfitters because my dad really wanted to go into it. They had some really cool looking graphic tees but the only one that I would have wanted was only left in size small and I needed a large. Plus on top of that every shirt ranged in prices of $30 -$40 which I thought was a little insane. My brother really liked that store because they had a lot of random things in the front that had to do with iPods and he is obsessed with tinkering with his iPod. I still wanted to find some sports tee shirts so I decided to try and find champs sports or some other sports clothing store. We walked around for about 10 minutes trying to find one of those location identifier booths and we found where camps was and a few other shops that I had been to before when we had come here about a year or two ago. As we walked looking for the stores I noticed that there were a lot of people there and it seemed almost like a madhouse and I wanted nothing but to find the stuff I was looking for and escape from that place. As we continued to walk around, we went past the spot where the shop was supposed to be but we found a toy store instead. So we found another location identifier and found that we were right and the store must have gone out of business so it looked as if we were out of luck. I was starting to get really tired of walking around for so long and my dad was becoming really aggravated. We found ourselves on the wrong side of the mall once again and by this time we had spent a grand total of 3 and a half hours in the mall, which really made my dad fume. By the time we finally found champs it seemed as if he was about to blow a stack so I quickly went into the store and had a look around. Nothing really jumped out at me so I decided that I was fine with what I had got and we made our way back through Nordstrom’s and back out to our car. I was really tired at this point and I was glad that we were finally back in the car and ready to leave. As we were leaving a jam occurred and you could see cars lined up for quite a ways just to get into the lot. I’m glad that we were out of there and I don’t really want to go back there anytime soon.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

e.e. cummings












Determination and





need to


But then we










Cross Country

In the feilds, a sea of flesh and bones; Sweat hitting the sand, grass and stone.

Monday, October 3, 2011



Barren land and years go by

Lush forest's and mountains high

The times change and I watch

As everyone and everything passes by

I watch in amazement as they pass through me

Wars, Turmoil, Sickness, pain

The world has changed

And yet im still here

Time crawls for eternity

Im stuck here watching as it unfolds

The times have changed from year 1 to now

Forever is a long time to live, when no one can see me

Friday, September 30, 2011


Run away

Run away, into the night

Worries and troubles a thing of the past

Fight my way through the dark

I feel free as a kite

Running through the streets so fast

Run away, into the night

I run from day and light

I race the sun, the sun is last

Fight my way through the dark

My mind is saying im not right

My decision is made, its in the past

Run away, into the night

I turn around, im not in the right

My decision is made im going back'st

Run away into the night

Fight my way through the dark

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Trochaic Tetrameter

By the fields of minnetrista

BY the crowds of sweaty people

Ran the runners short and tall

And the trees were short and tall

Sifting through the crowd of people

I find my parents and hug them

Watch out Im here dont have you fear

For im here and im here to stay

Anapestic Tetrameter

On the far away planet of dogabah

Yoda the wise was king of the swamp

He lived in a Hut in the swamp, It was nice

Everything peaceful and calm, Its alright

one day while resting in his hut

He heard a crash, a clang, "whats the fuss?"

Outside his hut, what did he see?

a young man bright and friendily

Monday, September 12, 2011


Blogging is a form of writting down your thoughts on the internet for anyone to read and comment. I find that it is a cool way to share your thoughts on a variety of differnet things like movies and books. Though it is a good idea people have started using social networking sites such as facebook and twitter more then blogs. I dont use either, I dont have a facebook and i only use my blog for school related purposes. I enjoyed writing about movies that i saw and reviewing them for my own purposes and Art of Film Class. I think that Creative writing is going to be a fun class.