Monday, May 24, 2010

1st post of Everlost

I decided to read the book everlost because it was one of the three books in the trilogy that included my last book (unwind). So far i really like this book because it fits my interests with the sci-fi category.

So far you find out that two kids both about the age of 14 or 15 die in separate but related car crashes and somewhere on their way to heaven they bump into each other and find themselves in a half/in between life and world called Everlost. They wake up in Everlost after a 9 month stupor that most children have when first entering the separate world. They meet a boy that they later name Leif, who had been waiting 9 months by their body's for them to wake up. I thought that this part was kind of weird because it shows that there is no stress on time in Everlost because the ones trapped there are doomed to stay in the half world eternally.

So far this book has really gained my attention and i read it as much as i can because it is so interesting and different.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Unwind blog 3

So far my book has been very fast paced and very exciting. It made me want to read the whole book and that's what I did. Right now I am waiting for the next book in the series to come from the library.

Since I last blogged Connor and Risa have been moved from the Unwind warehouse to a place called the graveyard, which is also a safe house for unwinds. The leader at this camp goes by "the general" because he is a retired army General. He is a very mysterious man and i don't know if I trust him. He keeps acting in weird ways sending kids off on missions and none of them return. All of the kids have sneaking suspicions about him that he is actually harvesting them himself and taking their body parts for himself. The General also has this group of older kids that he uses as guards called the golden ones. Suddenly one day the golden ones go missing and the General finds them in a crate. This part was really creepy and twisted but it started to explain a lot of things that the book hadn't cleared up.

The book Unwind is one of the best books I have ever read, it gives you the creeps but you still want to read more of it.